All these embarrassing displays can ruin ones sex life which have a direct influence on how healthy and happy any relationship can be.
A lagging sex drive and poor erection could be the result of what you’ve been eating. Of course, it’s not always about food. Poor erection can be attributed to a number of factors, including sociological, psychological, and hormonal influences. Often, antidepressant medications are the culprit. Other times, stress or drug and alcohol abuse can play a role.
along with all of its other terrible health effects, can diminish sexual desire and satisfaction, especially in men. “Smoking has a direct, negative effect on the sexuality of a man on every level,” says Panayiotis M. Zavos, PhD, Altering bad habits, like smoking and excessive drinking, in order to encourage better overall health, will no doubt be beneficial to your sexual health as well. Now lets talk about the kinds of food that may be affecting your performance on bed. And this may have been the same cause of mine before I Finally discovered this powerful solution to help me last over 45mins on bed and rock any woman’s world. Generally any food type that makes us gain weight can affect one’s libido as well but below are some foods that could be ruining your pleasures. Fried Foods Fried foods definitely don’t do your sex life any favors. Trans fats found in fried foods dramatically decrease the male and female libido, according to Medical Daily. Consuming trans fatty acids can also cause abnormal sperm production in men and interferes with female gestation. You and your significant other would be wise to skip the french fries at dinner, since they could be at fault for more than one sexual problem.
Processed Carbohydrate

Sugary foods/Drinks
You must have heard the popular saying that “Sugar is your enemy?” Or you must have ever had that embarrassing experience where your dick just refuses to charge when you need it most, this is what we call “Sugar Crash” Sugar from soda drinks, sweet, ice-cream, so called energy drinks etc can crash your libido and erection in a twinkle of an eye causing you embarrassing moments with your partner. Imagine lasting for just 3 minutes like it was in my case few months back. And even when I sometimes blamed sugar for it, consuming bitters, local concoction wasn’t giving me any better solution. My case was like this for years till I finally discovered the 2-in-1 solution which is now turning me and other over 1600 Nigerian Men into “Sex gods” You can’t risk your girlfriend in the hands of these men who have found and used this 100% NAFDAC Approved solution to small blokos and 3-minute man problem.
I am talking about the Libiron Herbal capsule.
-This solution is a natural herbal supplement that is approved by NAFDAC and FDA. – Works for men of all ages, no matter how long you’ve had the problem
– It reverses the condition and repairs your body system so that you can start last as long as you want in bed (even when you stop using it) – This is the same solution that helped me, and as at today, more than 1,000 men have been transformed by using it too.
You will also discover a brand new Japanese made enlargement oil that is helping men like you increase their penis size in less than 2 weeks with no side effect. So if you have a small man-hood and its so embarrassing for you, here is a one time opportunity to double its size in 2 short weeks 100 percent natural, no pills Click here to enlarge your man-hood with this Japanese made enlargement oil. Note: This new found solution to getting rid of premature ejaculation and enlarging your penis is Nothing like you have seen before. This brand new solutionkills premature ejaculation faster than the speed of light With the solution, 1) Premature Ejaculation (lasting 1 Min in bed) will be things of the Past. 2) Weak Erection will out of your Way for ever. 3) Weak Erection Will Die a Natural Death. 4) Infertility will be story for the gods. 5) And you will finally rockBig Solid Erection with Big penis. Boosts your libido and also gives you harder erection also increase your stamina as such making you satisfy your wife well on bed. Best of all it has no side effects and NAFDAC approved. Click here to get it today. Regards, Johnson
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